Dark Skellies

PFP / Utility
Blockchain: Solana
Collection size: 3500
Mint date: 07/0082022
Mint price: 1.75 SOL
Project verified by
Last review update April 25th, 2023

About Dark Skellies

Dark Skellies:

Dark Skellies was born from the merge of two rugged communities: SkelliesDAO and Dark Warlocks. Following their successful derug, they needed to establish new revenue streams in order to keep the project sustainable outside secondary sales royalties. Marrow Labs was born, your one-stop solution for developer work. Formed by the core developer team from Dark Skellies they aim to provide affordable web3 development services.



ABC Skellies:

ABC skellies is Dark Skellies tribute to the ABC collections community with 0% Royalties and no utility so its just an art project they made for fun.



Dark AI Angels:

This is a collaboration between Kereks, Dark Skellies, and Weeping Angels where 100% of royalties are shared between holders.


Dark Skellies Experiments:

These are traits and modifications for the Dark Skellies. You can add and take these traits off you dark skellies NFT’s.





Marrow Labs:

Marrow labs is a business that sets up anything built on Solana from Candy machines, Mint sites, raffles and staking sites. Everything they provide is fully custom and built around your needs. They also provide custom storefronts that can make transactions for any product using an SPL token, SOL, or USDC. They can also pair this with our RPC node service, so you are able to get a custom UI where users can connect their wallet and purchase a node that we provide using your SPL token providing more utility for it.


Mystery Box Raffles:

Open boxes to win a prize.



You can stake your Dark Skellies and other airdropped NFT’s to earn the $marrow token.

Staking yields –

Gen 1: 1 $Marrow per day per NFT

Gen 2: 2.5 $Marrow per day per NFT

Airdrops: .5 $Marrow per day per NFT


Raffle Website: At the time of looking at this there wern’t any live raffles but the site looks

Lucky Bones Casino:

5 casino mini-games playable with both $SOL, $MARROW & $DUST


Trait Swapper:

The trait swapper allows a more personalized experience with your nft.

Upgrades tiers: – Regular Upgrades: pieces dropped to allow you to buy and customize your skelly at any time

– Seasonal Drops: available for a short time period, usually linked to holidays/events (Halloween, summer, etc)

– Collab Traits: limited supply, high utility. add extra utility to your Skellie by having a collab trait applied. Utility varies from extra % staking, alpha calls, access to private Daos.




Team Members Role
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The team:   


Aiden has a background from owning a fortnite gaming & streaming team as well as a marketing and sales back ground.


Kishima has a business management degree and prior web2 experience in business & marketing.










This project is a team of Dev’s which is usually the most expensive part of bringing utilities to a project. They also have 2 people on the team with a sales and marketing background.

I find this to be a bit of a community project with a calendar of weekly events for everyone to have a bit of fun. And being a successful de-rug I find the community to have more of an emotional connection to their NFT’s.

They have been building this project through the bear market and have delivered some top tier apps.



The price of $marrow $0.001 (at the time of writing this) is really cheap so getting a ROI through staking and selling the token isn’t realistic at these prices.

Information is quite hard to piece together for this project so may put people off in investing as it can seem unorganised.


General Thoughts:

I think the team are great builders some of their sites are top quality and I don’t doubt they could build anything on Solana. If they can bridge what they are doing and building into more benefits for NFT holders like buying back $marrow with profits to try and help sustain the price that will help a lot. I think they are at a pivotal point where they have enough utility for holders and a steady income stream for the project they just really need to funnel that into the NFT holders and i can see this project doing well.


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